Yeolume Description

What’s Yeolume?
Yeolume is Pullip and Taeyang's future daughter. She is an adorable little girl that is articulated with eyes that move back & forth. She stands about 26 cm. YEOLUME means ‘Fruit’ in Korean.
Nationality: Korean
Age: 10
Present Address: Milano, Italy
School: Elemenntary School Student
Hobby: Loves Pang-Ju, Dress up, Costumes, Magic, Collecting Dolls, Pudding, and Mama's Rice.
Personality: Just a little girl who believes in magic. Cute and sweet.
Family members
Father: Taeyang.
Mother: Pullip
Size: About 26 cm tall
Package: Window Boxed
Material: Arms and legs bend and flex
"I think TODAY will be more wonderful than yesterday...Right?" Even I bought a pair of pretty stockings, a "WE LOVE PULLIP" new bag and got a perm, why my mother still more beautiful than me, right? I want to become more beautiful than my fashionista mother, so I want to use my mothers lipstick secretly. Until then, I borrowed from mother and used little bit. Only a little bit, a little bit, right? Ah huh! I saw the Magic School next to my school yesterday; I really want to study magic there. I want to try to let a bird fly out from my hat. I should let Pang-Ju get out from my hat, not a bird. Or maybe let a dog come out from my hat, will it be funnier? Right? If I study hard in school, will they tell me how to flying in the sky like a feather? But I prefer study the magic to make me become more loveable to meet with new friends. Also I will make the candy bigger from the pocket. Create a pudding bigger as a house: Create a 100Km long candy; Create a magic stealth cape; Make a cotton candy clouds Oh! I am so excited to go to concert with my friends Byul & Dal next week. It will be so nice if I can use magic at this moment!!! Huh...Right? Magic stealth cape... Anyway I have to go to school tomorrow even I don't want to. But I can meet my friends at school. I am sleepy. I should go to bed now. Sleep more will get taller and my skin will get better.